The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) is the global trade body for communications research and business intelligence. AMEC now has 140 members in 40 countries. Click here to download our Membership Kit.
Chris Foster, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton gives the Inaugural AMEC Lecture at the Global PR Summit in Miami – part of AMEC’s Global Education Program.
The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) is the fast-growing global trade body and professional institute for agencies and practitioners who provide media evaluation and communication research. It has grown into a the world’s biggest trade body for communications measurement whose purpose is to define and develop the industry on an international scale with better professional standards for both companies and individuals. AMEC now has members in 40 countries.
Become a member and help us educate the market worldwide on the benefits of measurement and analytics. For more information click on this link.
AMEC is committed to educating PR professionals on the benefits of communications research and measurement. Through AMEC’s Global Education Program speakers talk at top international conferences.
Sergi Guillot, CEO , Acceso Group, is interviewed by the conference radio station at the World PR Forum, in Madrid. It was another top speaker platform in AMEC’s Global Education Programme.
The AMEC logo is regarded as an international mark of excellence in the provision of media evaluation and communication research services to clients.
AMEC provides a number of key business benefits to its members, who are bound by a Code of Practice to maintain the highest standards of professionalism.
Increasingly AMEC’s approach is through Knowledge Share, as demonstrated by its new Knowledge Share website with content sourced from around the world and a Video Library of clips from previous International Summits – click through to the presentation downloads.